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Each gift is sorted by age group. Age Groups are: Infants, Preschool, and Teens. Click button below to see how.
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ZTC Kids
These are some of the children we have gotten to know over the
years and their experience with Zach’s Toy Chest.

Make a donation to help kids today!
“I was thankful again today for the toy chest. Even being “done” with treatment, we still visit the cancer clinic every 4 weeks, and today’s appointment lasted almost 4 hours.”
Emberlyn with her teddy bear that provided comfort while in the hospital one of many times.
Mia with her Snow White doll.
Sweet Violet watching as a nurse gives a medicine through her port access.
Oliver passing time playing with trains during a day of clinic appointments.
Anna Beth
A clinic visit made special with toys to distract her from the long, hard day.
To learn more about Zach’s Toy Chest and to make a tax deductible donation with us, visit our Contact us page or call Holly at (702) 439-9394 or [email protected]